Emburse Enterprise Implementation Toolkit

Customer Roles & Responsibilities

Involving the right people is key for a successful implementation

Following are the roles, responsibilities and knowledge requirements recommended for your project team. Of course, each project is different so your project may require more, fewer or different resources than those listed here. In many implementations, we see resources filling multiple roles.

Project Sponsor(s):

  • Provide oversight and champion
  • Ensure timeline and scope adherence
  • Keep internal project team updated
  • Obtain internal sign off
  • Coordinate appropriate resources for the duration of the project

Functional Lead(s):

  • Complete discovery documents and provide requested data
  • Key decision maker on solution design
  • Conduct validation testing

Training Lead(s):

  • Responsible for training end users
  • Support strategic approach to onboarding

Emburse administrator

  • Understand, configure, and maintain parameters within Emburse
  • Overall responsibility for administration of Emburse application