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  2. Empowering Finance Teams to Become Leaders of Data-Driven Business

Industry Insights for Finance Teams

Empowering Finance Teams to Become Leaders of Data-Driven Business

The significance of data in finance cannot be overstated. It’s the backbone of informed decision-making, risk management, operational efficiency, and competitive advantage. Yet, travel and expense management is still largely a manual process for many companies.

Why? And what would happen if finance teams weren’t held back by spreadsheets and low-level, repetitive tasks? We asked the Harvard Business Review for an answer, and together with Ventana Research, they gave us a comprehensive report on the state of T&E automation in finance and the technologies finance can leverage to elevate its operations.

Download this report to discover how:

  • Automation can benefit nearly every part of the expense management workflow and how it can deliver significant time and cost savings for finance teams
  • Integrating best-of-breed capabilities for AP and expense management into one unified platform is necessary to achieve visibility and produce actionable insights
  • AI can prevent fraud and enforce compliance far better than any system with programmatic rules

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Harvard Business Review Report Cover

"When you select from within an integrated SaaS platform, you can modernize in key areas while laying the groundwork for a data environment that will facilitate a broad digital transformation over time."