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Expense Management

Introducing Abacus + AmTrav

June 18, 2020

3 min read


Because we know that people appreciate a simple, yet powerful, solution that provides a great user experience while helping the bottom line, we want to make sure that we partner with organizations with a similar “humanize work” philosophy.

    One of the most common compliments that Abacus customers give us is that our solution is so easy to use. Swipe your card, take a photo of the receipt, match your credit card information, and then be reimbursed in just a day or so. No more expense reports to fill in. No waiting around for weeks for a check to turn up in your mailbox.

    Because we know that people appreciate a simple, yet powerful, solution that provides a great user experience while helping the bottom line, we want to make sure that we partner with organizations with a similar “humanize work” philosophy. This is particularly important in the case of travel booking partners and the technology systems they provide. As these solutions are also used throughout the organization and form a key part of the overall traveler experience, it’s even more critical that we partner with similarly forward-thinking organizations that offer user-friendly platforms.

    That’s why we’re delighted to announce that we’ve partnered with AmTrav to create a seamless integration between AmTrav’s online booking system and Abacus Expense. Providing Abacus customers with the flexibility of choosing the travel management partner that suits their specific needs is important for maximizing the overall experience, and when we were looking for new providers to add to our ecosystem, AmTrav stood out. When an Abacus customer books travel through AmTrav, they can be assured that the booking follows its internal policies. The booking data will then automatically populate into Abacus, so travelers and administrators can both see full details of flights and hotel reservations.

    Here are some of the key benefits that customers of AmTrav and Abacus can expect:

    • Save money before it’s spent: Approve pre-purchase bookings with full visibility of the other options available.
    • Stay on top of spend: Apply your company’s negotiated travel rates and credits from unused tickets.
    • Pre-booking control: Your custom rules and guidelines filter the listings employees are allowed to book.
    • Next-day ACH reimbursement: Once a booking is approved, Abacus reimburses employees via direct deposit.
    • Follow your travel spend: Abacus Trips dashboard automatically aggregates travel expenses as employees tag them.
    • Identify potential savings: Abacus Insights helps you uncover long-term spending trends – powered by real time data.

    Contact us to learn more about how your organization could benefit from Abacus and AmTrav.