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2022’s Craziest Expenses

December 13, 2022

2 min read


Our annual round-up of the craziest expenses that companies approved (or didn't) in 2022.

    For many companies around the holiday season, annual traditions include things like a company party, sending greeting cards to clients or giving back to those in need. Indeed, those are all wonderful ways to bring in the yuletide cheer. Though we must admit, one of our most cherished holiday traditions here at Emburse is rather … unconventional.

    It started back in 2013 as a fun and light-hearted year-end reflection. We asked people from across the U.S. to tell us about the most ridiculous and outlandish business expenses they’ve seen, or even submitted themselves, throughout that year. And we’ve done it ever since. Known as our Craziest Expenses survey, this year’s batch of entries proved to be just that.

    Things certainly got a little hairy when a VP tried to expense his monthly hair restoration club. This $200 expense was declined. But what about the well-meaning employee who opted for tent accommodations rather than a pricey hotel? We also heard about someone who expensed their stockpile of ramen noodles to get through a COVID-19 quarantine while overseas for business.

    Though these crazy expenses may have finance teams wanting to do a major facepalm, we’re at least happy to see business travel on the rise this year. Perhaps that’s why a canceled flight home from a conference motivated one manager to book alternate travel for 75 employees on different airlines, costing a grand total of $15,000. That seems like small potatoes compared to the $50,000 expense for a boat used to host a media event. Though topping even that is the employee of a North American auto company who wanted to enhance their car fleet by adding two BMWs. They racked up an eye-watering $180,000 charge, all to impress a client.

    So would you give these crazy expenses a bah humbug? Or do they make your nice list? To find out what really happened, take a look at our 2022 Craziest Expenses. And happy holidays from Emburse!