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Whitepapers, infographics, eBooks and more to help set you and your team up for success.


Databricks streamlined global expense management with Emburse

See how Databricks decreased manual work by 70% and streamlined expense management with Emburse.

11 travel and expense management best practices for law firms

Future-proof your Travel & Expense strategy - report

Future-proof your T&E strategy - report

Shaping the Future of Corporate Travel

Creating and Implementing a More Sustainable T&E Policy

Business professional utilizing artificial intelligence to automate his manual tasks

Don’t Leave Home Without It: Three AI Tools For The Modern Business Traveler

Business travelers and colleagues can now rely on AI and automation to simplify tedious tasks.

Consistent business traveller feeling organised and happy utilizing Emburse's intuitive travel and expense management software

5 Ways to Simplify Travel and Expense Management for Consistent Business Travellers

Investing in the right travel and expense management software can revolutionise the way you manage employee travel.

Consistent business traveler feeling organized and happy utilizing Emburse's intuitive travel and expense management software

5 Ways to Simplify Travel and Expense Management for Consistent Business Travelers

Investing in the right travel and expense management software can revolutionize the way you manage employee travel.

Person enjoying their business travel because of how easy their travel and expense management is with Emburse T&E software

5 Ways to Simplify Travel and Expense Management and Make Business Travel More Fun

By simplifying travel and expense management processes, organizations can give employees time to recharge.

Person utilizing Emburse expense report software for their company's T&E compliance

How to Improve T&E Compliance with Expense Report Software

This reliance on outdated processes or technology often creates excessive busy work for employees and managers


Microsoft Saves 1.2 Million Hours Annually with Emburse Go Premier

General Mills

General Mills drives corporate T&E strategy with Emburse Go Premier

Man in train station holding phone

Look After Your Business Travellers and They’ll Look After Your Business

Learn how Emburse Go can improve your employees' business travel experience.

A new Generation of T&E Analytics for the next era of Business Travel

Expense management leader delivers a robust, user-friendly solution that enables accurate and timely analysis for more informed planning and cost-control.

New Solutions for a New Era of Business Travel

As we slowly begin to emerge from the pandemic, business travel is changing. With the acquisition of DVI and Roadmap, we're making the experience better for travelers and their employers.

Managing Traveler Safety in a Post-Coronavirus World

Find the right fit for you

We can tailor our solutions to meet the exact needs of your company, regardless of its size, industry, or geography.