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Whitepapers, infographics, eBooks and more to help set you and your team up for success.

Group of people discussing how to utilize automation in the professional services industry

How Automation is Shaping the Future of Finance for Professional Services Firms

Businesses can struggle to break free from legacy processes that allow them to harness the full power of automation, especially in sectors like professional services.

Consistent business traveller feeling organised and happy utilizing Emburse's intuitive travel and expense management software

5 Ways to Simplify Travel and Expense Management for Consistent Business Travellers

Investing in the right travel and expense management software can revolutionise the way you manage employee travel.

Consistent business traveler feeling organized and happy utilizing Emburse's intuitive travel and expense management software

5 Ways to Simplify Travel and Expense Management for Consistent Business Travelers

Investing in the right travel and expense management software can revolutionize the way you manage employee travel.

Person enjoying their business travel because of how easy their travel and expense management is with Emburse T&E software

5 Ways to Simplify Travel and Expense Management and Make Business Travel More Fun

By simplifying travel and expense management processes, organizations can give employees time to recharge.

Person utilizing Emburse expense report software for their company's T&E compliance

How to Improve T&E Compliance with Expense Report Software

This reliance on outdated processes or technology often creates excessive busy work for employees and managers

Go Beyond Good Enough in Data Analytics for True Financial Efficiency eBook cover

Go Beyond "Good Enough" in Data Analytics for True Financial Efficiency

How do you sum up true financial efficiency in one word? Data.

Construction worker using a smartphone

Viewpoint Integration

We are making it easier for construction companies to manage their expense and control spending with this new integration with Emburse Chrome River

Finance team discussion automation next steps

Everybodys Automating But Thats Not Enough

What are finance departments doing with the data troves they get from automation?

Two people on a laptop in a server room

Best-of-Breed or One-Stop-Shop Five Questions to Consider for Expense Automation

If you're considering a new expense solution, what's the best approach for your vendor selection? Do you stick with your ERP provider's jack-of-all-trades system or a dedicated T&E system.

young male professional using corporate card

We Don’t Talk About…Money. And It’s Impacting Gen Z

No one likes to talk about money. But we found the workers getting hit the hardest by the cost of living crisis were the same ones who would prefer to use corporate cards over personal cards, despite not always having access to one.

Composite image of a passenger plane and a phone

SpendSmart Travel Trends - Q4 2022

Our quarterly SpendSmart Travel Trends report provides insight into business travel spend and booking habits.

Time To Rethink The Corporate Credit Card

While purchasing cards provide some improvements, they still lack many of the features and benefits that modern organizations and their finance teams require. Modern problems require modern solutions.

Illustration with several food items

Did COVID Make Us Eat a Little Bit Healthier on the Road

SpendSmart data shows fast food chains hardest hit by reduced business traveler spend

Lady on laptop holding credit cards

Controlling the Emerging Tsunami of Unmanaged Spend

How can companies better manage team spend, reduce administrative burden, and streamline purchasing processes for their employees? Learn more about how the Emburse Spend card and expense solution can benefit you.

Person using credit card and a laptop

Spend is Changing. Are you Keeping Up

Blog post: The pandemic has led to an increase in "unmanaged spend" - neither T&E or AP. So what can you do to best track, manage, and optimize it?

Craziest expenses of 2021

2021 craziest expenses

Our round-up of the wildest expenses that companies approved (or not) in 2021.

Green cityscape and building

The Four Essential Steps to a More Sustainable Business Travel Program

We all know that we need to make travel more sustainable, but it's easy to feel overwhelmed and not know where to start. Starting with the basics and working up will lead to more effective programs, with better employee engagement.

A new Generation of T&E Analytics for the next era of Business Travel

Expense management leader delivers a robust, user-friendly solution that enables accurate and timely analysis for more informed planning and cost-control.

Slalom and Emburse happy together

Global consulting firm transforms expense management

Emburse Insight Advisor helps organizations maximize the impact of their spend data by delivering sophisticated custom report authoring and analytics capabilities.

Auditor using a magnifying glass

Taking the Fear out of the Audit Process

Expense auditing has traditionally either been expensive and time-consuming, or has just examined a small sample, risking errors. Our new solution, Emburse Audit, solves this challenge.

Amazon Prime trucks at a distribution center

Making Life Even Easier for our Amazon Business Customers

Learn how Emburse enables any Amazon Business customer to automatically create line item expenses whenever they make a purchase.

UK Finance Leaders background

UK Finance Leaders Reveal Biggest Concerns for the Post-COVID Recovery

Digital transformation and team culture and morale top of mind as British businesses look to the future.

9 Signs it’s Time to Switch Expense Management Systems

9 Signs it's Time to Switch Expense Management Systems

As expense automation solution adoption has grown among companies of all sizes, it’s no longer the case that anything is better than nothing.

Buy, Pay, Expense: Save Time on Amazon Business Expenses with Chrome River and Mastercard

Buy, Pay, Expense Save Time on Amazon Business Expenses with Chrome River and Mastercard

Amazon is the #2 vendor, behind Uber, for discretionary corporate spend.

Introducing Powerful GPS-based Mileage Tracking with Emburse and TripLog

Introducing Powerful GPS-based Mileage Tracking with Emburse and TripLog

Emburse announces a robust, flexible, and user-friendly way to securely track, submit, and reimburse automobile mileage.

Streamlining Expense Policy Management with Chrome River and UltiPro

How to Reduce Expense and AP Fraud During a Recession

Learn how an external audit service such as Emburse Auditor can reduce your organization's exposure to expense and invoice fraud.

How We Did It: Supporting Front Line Healthcare Workers During the COVID-19 Outbreak

Controlling Car Rental Spend With Car FOLIO

Establishing a Company Policy for Work from Home Expenses

Why Expenses Shouldn’t Have to Be So Painful

ERT - Ensuring Even Easier Expensing

ERT - Ensuring Even Easier Expensing

Emburse Receipt Transcription is a new solution which combines the best expense receipt scanning and machine learning technology from across the organization.

Find the right fit for you

We can tailor our solutions to meet the exact needs of your company, regardless of its size, industry, or geography.