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What are the Benefits of Corporate Credit Cards
Emburse makes virtual and physical corporate credit cards easy to manage, use, and integrate with your expense management software. Issue credit cards in real-time with built-in policies and employee-specific rules to minimize risk. Start for free today!
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Bringing in a New Era in Corporate Payments with Emburse Pay
That’s why I’m really excited about the launch of Emburse Pay.
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We Need to Think Again on Paper Stimulus Checks
While many people can get their stimulus funds via direct deposit, checks are not the solution to reach others, cautions Eric Friedrichsen.
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Supporting Work from Home Expenses with Emburse Cards and Abacus Expense
To maintain productivity, many employers are allowing employees to buy office supplies such as monitors and keyboards, and to keep some of the perks of office life going are also offering the ability for employees to expense lunch and other food purchases (if these were provided by the company).
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Announcing Emburse Cards for Abacus
Incorporating Emburse Cards into Abacus gives companies an easy and user-friendly way to control employee spend.
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